"Driver and RIDER Safety is our Top Priority"
24/7 Dispatch Service
Our ROED Dispatch Service monitors all Driver and Rider locations via GPS Tracking and makes sure that no one gets left down and that everyone gets to their destination in time.
Vehicle Surveillance
All ROED owned vehicles are fitted with HD cameras. Vehicles are equipped with exterior & interior Video Recording equipment and GPS Tracking. We encourage Private drivers to do the same but are not responsible for those who don't.
Driver Background Checks
All Drivers are properly vetted before they are approved as a ROED Driver to provide services to Riders. All Drivers must have a minimum of 3 years experience driving without any major traffic or criminal offences.
A Clean and Safe RIDE
We require that all Driver vehicles be thoroughly inspected before they are approved to offer Riders our services. We maintain a strict policy on a 24/7, 100% clean and road worthy vehicles for our Riders.
ROED is covered with a complete insurance plan via a reputable insurance company. We are covered for Fleet Vehicle Insurance, Staff Group Medical, Public Liability and company Equipment loss or damage. All vehicle activities are recorded for insurance purposes. All private Drivers are required to have proper vehicle insurance with proper passenger liability.
Zero Tolerance
ROED has a Driver Zero Tolerance Policy for substance use. We monitor for drug, alcohol and cigarette use on the job for ROED Drivers. If any Driver realizes that a Rider is under the influence of any such substance the driver can cancel the request and/or ask the Rider to vacate the vehicle (in a safe location) out of safety concerns for the Driver and other Riders. There is a strict NO SMOKING policy in place for all vehicles registered with ROED.